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Calm in the Chaos

When things in your life become chaotic are you able to stay calm or do you typically become reactive? It takes practice to retrain yourself to stay centered when life spins out. It's similar to catching a wave and maintaining your balance. Are you ready to learn how to stay calm in the chaos?

Meditation is a great way to learn how to maintain homeostasis during stressful times. The ancient practice of Qi Gong is an amazing way to learn how to harness your breath, mindset and energy flow. When you drive more electromagnetic energy to your center, it helps you to stay centered.

It's easy for the mind to get stuck in the past or to worry about the future so it's so important to retrain the mind to be fully present. In order to reprogram your mind, repetition, daily affirmations and subconscious reprogramming are key. This is how you consciously retrain your mind and harness your thoughts, point of awareness and intentions. Where are you directing energy?

Breathing techniques will help you to utilize your life force energy. Emotional intelligence will teach you how to increase your inner magnetism and self-regulate. It's about harmonizing your inner world. Do you invest enough time into exploring your inner energy world? Are you aware of how powerful and infinite you are? Staying calm in the chaos is a superpower that you can learn incrementally. Be patient with yourself.

With love, Kate


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